D.A.M. Quick Q&A

by Jason (Webmaster)
(Everywhere Worldwide)

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Comments for D.A.M. Quick Q&A

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Dam Quick 222 Reel
by: David G

I just picked up this gem from a second hand store. After looking it over while lubricating it to make the best it can be, I feel a sense of sadness for the previous owner for still owning it.

I was fortunate to find this reel for sure. I wonder what it's original price at new was? Does anyone know when it was made and so on? It says Quick Finnessa on the reel.

Thanks for your time and happy angling everyone,

DAM Quick 330
by: Dave


I want to clean and grease my 330 so I can use it this summer. For the life of me I can not figure out how to get the handle off.

Can someone help me?


by: JOHN B

I have a DAM QUICK 110N that I've enjoyed for years. Currently, I can't get the drag to release. It seems locked. The release lever on the back is working. All else seems to be working okay. Any help would be appreciated. I'm afraid I'm sure to break the line when the next big one hits if I don't get it fixed.

John B

Spool for Quick
by: Anonymous

Have a Dam Quick 550 (purchased it new, years ago). The line spool is broken (this has happened multiple times). Any thoughts on where to buy one, preferably not used?

VSI 400 FD
by: Abdullah alshatti


How to buy dam quick VSI 400 FD reel ??!!


DAM Quick Super Reels
by: Mike

Was the "Super" made in only one size?

The ones I've seen are about the size of the Quick 550. I've seen pictures of some that look a bit smaller, but it may just be the picture.

Removing Handle on 330
by: Sauble John

The handle does not remove as a single entity. To clean the reel first remove the 3 screws holding the emblem on the opposite side of the handle of the reel. Remove the side plate cover. You will see a curved shaped arm that has to be removed first. There is a c-clip attaching this curved arm to the handle assembly - remove it. With the side cover plate off, next remove the delicate screw holding the curved arm to the oscillating shaft. The arm can now be removed as well as the shaft that holds your spool in place. Now the entire handle assembly can be removed. WD-40 is the best product to use to remove old hardened grease - just use a tooth brush to do a little scrubbing.

Left Hand To Right Hand Retrieval
by: jeff steinhoff

How do you convert a 221s from left hand to right hand retrieval?

Convert Retrieval From Left To Right Hand
by: jeff steinhoff

How do you convert from left hand retrieval to right hand retrieval on a quick 221S ?

Dam Quick 550
by: Dennis Smith

When I pull the line through the hoops of my rod, it tightens the drag of the spool up. How can I fix this problem?

Bail Spring
by: vincent

I have a D.A.M. reel SLS 2. Do you know were I can find a spring bail for a SLS 2?

Stationary Drumbait Casting Reel
by: smitty 47

My husband has a stationary casting reel Quick serial #028258. He would like to know more about it and where to find it's value...?

D.A.M. Reel Sizes
by: Michalis

Could you please inform me about my reel sizes (e.g. 1000, 2000, 3000 etc.) for the following reels? And also, how I can calculate it if not available?:

DAM QUICK ATP 850 line capacity 160m/0,40, 210m/035, 280m/0,30
DAM QUICK GLX 850 line capacity 100m/0,50, 140m/0,40, 180m/0,35
DAM QUICK AT 330 line capacity 100m/0,30, 150m/0,25, 200m/0,20
DAM QUICK SPACE ATP 420 line capacity 100m/0,20, 140m/0,18 200m/0,15

by: Carl


I have just listed on EBAY hundreds of new and old Stock (NOS) parts for vintage D.A.M. QUICK reels. I have most of the bails, screws plates, pinions, etc.

I have a lot more to list, but my problem is that I am having a hard time identifying a lot of the parts because I can not find the old schematics to see which reels the parts go to. I have found some on Mikesreelrepair.com but that is the only site I can find them on, and he only has 22 of the schematics listed.

Does anyone out there know of another site I can use as references?

I also have about 20-30 of the old D.A.M. Quick reels that I will be listing as soon as I can.

This info would be very helpful to me and much appreciated.

Thanks in advance and Please check out my EBAY site at citarelli67cu
My email is citarelli@hotmail.com

Granpa's 331N
by: Doug H


I have my Grandfather's DAM Quick 331N reel. I am looking for information about the company and the worth of the reel. I have many fond memories of fishing with my grandpa, he used the reel for everything we fished for from bluegill and lake perch to small-mouth bass and salmon. We fished Lake Michigan and inland lake in Michigan.

Dam Quick 330N
by: JD

Where can I find out the year this reel was made?

110 N Line Capacity
by: Jerry H

How many yards of 10 lb. test can a 110N spool hold?

DAM Quick Reel Origins
by: Howard

I was recently on a "cattle" boat out of Newport, California and I was using my father-in-law's 550 spinning reel which is still in very good condition. Three of the older guys on the boat commented on the reel as they were very familiar with the brand.

One of the men claimed that they were made in Newport back in the 60's & 70's! I knew very little about them, but I had seen the "Made in West Germany" on the inside of the base when I was cleaning it. I didn't argue because I didn't know until I came home and researched it.

Is it possible that there was an importer there (in Newport) that specialized in DAM products?

P.S. I couldn't believe how good of shape the reel was in because I know it had caught a lot of big fish!

On The Level
by: AHnonymous

I have a D.A.M. QPS 2000 L.H.. The gear that moves the level wind has two broken teeth. Can I get the gear to make the repair or send it to be repaired?

Vern's reels
by: Anonymous

Dam quick 3000... What's it worth?

Quick parts manual
by: Chris Price

Looking for a D.A.M. Quick 1979 parts manual org or copy... Does anyone know were I might find one?

Extra spool for DAM Quick 220
by: jimmieddavis@yahoo.cm

I have a 220 and am in need of a extra spool. I have searched high and low with little to show for it. Is the factory still in business?

Quick Super 270 S two speed spin reel
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know about this reels specifications?... What is the gear ratios, etc.?

by: Anonymous

What's the worth on a DAM Quick 330 made in West Germany? It's in great working condition.

Quick Corporation of America
by: Anonymous

Quick Corporation of America
620 Terminal Way
P.O. Box 938
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

DAM Champion 800 Reel Parts
by: Anonymous

I have a very nice DAM Champion 800 reel that requires parts. Anybody have an email address for parts or info? Thanks for any help ....

DAM Quick Power Striker 3000 Reel
by: Woody

I have a DAM Quick Power Striker 3000 reel and need another one. I cannot find any made in Germany.

by: Josh

What year was it made? And how much is it worth?

Dam Quick 1001 UL question
by: jdfish

I have a vintage Dam Quick 1001 UL reel that is in very good shape except the bail will not close automatically. There is a silver release lever under the bail arm that has to be released to get the bail to close. This is also the mechanism that allows the bail to be folded down out of the way. The bail spring has good tension and every thing in the rotor housing is clean and looks right. I would appreciate any ideas.

by: Anonymous

I have 3 mega twin tips. I bought them about 25 years ago. Is it possible to get the middle section, as they are a very small piece? Thank you.

Reel parts
by: Frans rod and reel repair

I'm looking for an anti-reverse bearing for a Quick Futura 620... Can any one help me on this?

Difference between 220 and 220n
by: Anonymous


Years ago my grandfather gave me his DAM Quick 220 reel. The other day I got it out to get ready to give to my son, and found out that I guess I forgot it needed a part.

The part I think is called a saddle strap IIRC. So now I'm looking for the part with no luck.

So my question is, are the parts on a 220 and a 220n interchangeable, or do I have to get only 220 parts?

Thanks for your time,


Dam Quick Model 2002
by: Mike

I have a DAM Quick model 2002 that is left hand retrieve and I want to convert to right hand retrieve. Would you know where I can find the conversion parts?

Looking for Quick 800 part
by: Mike

I am looking for a part for a Quick Champion 800 series reel part. I have lost the hat nut on the reel handle. If not, can somebody tell me the size and thread so I can replace it?

Dam Quick 220
by: Anonymous

Was a metallic (aluminum) spool ever made for D.A.M. Quick model's 220 or 221 spinning reels?

440N Quick
by: Anhowardonymous

Very smooth gearing - spiral cut gears. Odd rotor - British term is a whirlygig.

by: Anonymous

What is the year/age of a Dam Quick 330 reel?

Quick 220N
by: Anonymous

I have an old 220N that I can not figure out how the spindle rod connects (I would think that there is an "e-clamp" that I might be missing) to the spindle?

1) Spindle rod has a pin that will sit in the grooves of the screw that holds the drag screw to the spindle. The pinching of the pin to the screw is what holds it in place?

Please advise......

Quick SE 30
by: Guy Loopers

I have obtained a SE 30 reel but without the user guide. Can anybody advise where I can obtain or download a user guide for this reel or something that works similarly?

Many thanks

by: Kevin

I have an old Quick Finesse reel. How do I determine the age and model number?

Remove Handle from 330(SK) reel.
by: Bob's Reel Service

Crank Arm(100-185) with Handle grip(100-149) can be removed by using a 3/32" drift punch and small hammer. Remove pin in Crank Arm(100-045) where it pivots on the Drive Axle(100-154). This is where the Crank Arm pivots when the handle is folded. Drive Axle can be removed from the Bearing Cover(100-444) by removing the Safety Clip(100-072) found under the Crank Nut(100-134). Drive Axle with Drive Gear(100-501) attached can be removed as one unit. Use schematic to identify parts and order in which they are assembled.

110N Spool Drag not working.
by: Bob's Reel Service

Replace 2 103-290 Asbestos Washer, one on the top and one under the spool. These are run dry (no lube) and make sure that the 103-851 Spring Ring (wave spring washer) in under the Brake Nut Cpl.(104-469). Use schematic for correct assembly of parts and are all there.

550(SK) Spools
by: Bob's Reel Service

Because of the Material used and method of Manufacturing, these spools are subject to crack from being stored with Fishing Line left on them. They also are sensitive to wet Fishing Line drying on the spool and tightening up. Some spools even came from D.A.M. with stress cracks in the spools bottom flange. This was from the Manufacturing process and was a Quality Control issue. I have New Spools in stock.

Quick 'Super"
by: Bob's Reel Service

The 270(Green) was one model of the "Super" series reels. It uses the same spool as found on the 550(SK) reel. Look at the bottom of the spool for a possible model number if not on the Housing. The Reel Stand which mounts the reel to the rod is removable from the Housing(2-pcs.) on the 270 reel.

Converting 221(S) between Left and Right Hand retrieve
by: Bob's Reel Service

The Connecting Piece(100-434) which the Spool Axle attaches to. Has to be removed from the Slide(100-433) which is held on by the Screw for Slide(100-435) and put on the opposite side of the Slide. Reassemble the reel reversing the Crank Arm and Cover Plate sides.

550(SK) Drag Tightens when line is pulled out
by: Bob's Reel Service

You are missing parts or they assembled incorrectly in the Drag for the Spool. Spool Shell is contacting the Drag Nut when turning and tightening up the Drag Nut. Get schematic and check for missing and/or parts not assembled in correct order.

SLS 2 Bail Spring
by: Bob's Reel Service

These reels were made by Shimano for D.A.M. Quick. They are similar to their ML series reels. The Bail Spring number is 110-478 and I have them in stock.

Should D.A.M. now be C.A.M
by: Anonymous

D.A.M. reels are now made in China. That being so, shouldn't the company name be changed to C.A.M, for Chinesisch Angelgeräte Manufaktur? German prices but Chinese made?

DAM Quick CTE 135 Reel
by: sid.

Hi, can you please tell me the worth of my DAM Quick CTE 135 closed face reel?

Also, the rubber gater over the rear drag is loose. Where can I get a new part, if possible please?

DAM Quick 110 Spinning Reel
by: Len Schwartz

I have the above mentioned reel that my Dad used many years ago. The reel is in good shape, except the bail spring is shot. Could this reel be repaired and who would I ship it to?

Quick SLR Drag
by: Anonymous

Hi. I am from Colombia (South America) and have a new Quick SLR, but I can't find the box for this reel, or the DAM fishing web page with the complete specifications.

I want to know the drag in lbs. Can you tell me?


DAM Quick 3000
by: Big Mike

I also have purchased a DAM Quick 3000 reel and cannot find its value, would like to know. It's made in West Germany and in great shape. Please help.

by: Brian

Hi, I have a QUICK 1401 with an ASBESTOS DISC BRAKE SPOOL, what is that value of this reel? I am aware it is quite collectable.

How many of these were made? Did other reels have the ASBESTOS DISC BRAKE? When were they in production? What is the value of them?

Thank you,

I live in Dubai, UAE
by: Amr

I live in Dubai, UAE and the brand in not popular here. I need to try this brand as I do trust the German brands. So, I'm thinking of trying a mid range reel which cost around $60-$70 for saltwater.
Would you please recommend a reel in the same range to try the DAM reels.
- Price: 60-70
- Casting
- Saltwater

This is my email:

Searching for a part of DAM Quick
by: Giovanni Tosi

I have a Quick RD and I lost the part shown on the internal of the carton with the N°1. I live in North Italy (close to Gardasee). Can you tell me where to find it or to have it by mail?

DAM SL3 Spinner Reel
by: Bronwen

Is there still parts available for the DAM SL3 spinner fishing reel? I have one and would like a parts schematic so I can order parts.

Quick Reel 1401 Parts Needed
by: Cindy

Quick reel model 1401, need parts 5, 20 & 6 (74) plus part 19

If you know where I can find these, please call 302–766–4454

Thank you

Parts and Service for older D.A.M. Quick
by: Bob's Reel Service

Bob's Reel Service was the exclusive distributor for D.A.M. reel parts in the U.S.A. until their bankruptcy. Very large inventory of parts for these spinning reels. All parts are new old stock.

Bob's Reel Service
3945 Rollingwood Dr. N.W.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52405.
319 362-7692

by: Anonymous

Schematics for the DAM Quick 102?

Quick Sylt
by: Sam

I have a steel power rod with 40-170 gr action. I need to know if the Quick Sylt 340 FD is suitable for this rod? (I need a powerful reel for salt water.)

DAM Exquisite Reel
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have a DAM Exquisite 625 reel and need a spare spool. Does anyone know where I can buy/get one?

DAM 110
by: Andy

How many lb test line should I run on a quick 110 reel?

DAM QUICK 110 line capacity
by: Anonymous

How many yards of 6 pound line will a Dam Quick 110 hold?

DAM QUICK 110 line capacity
by: Anonymous

2# 160/407
4# 77/209
6# 55/143
8# 40/110

Dam Quick 220n
by: Randy

Does the 220n and 550n use the same bail? Do you have a bail for a 220n?

Dam Quick Line Capacity
by: Arris

I have a couple 270 quick super reels that I use and I’m wondering what their line capacity is? Whats the heaviest line I could put on one of them?

Also what dam quick reel can hold the heaviest line? Are there any that can hold line in the 65-100 pound range?

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