Hot Logic 400 Macrowave 4-Shelf Ultimate Slow Cooker Oven
by Jerry K.
I recently had the opportunity to field test a product called the Hot Logic 400 Oven.
After testing the Hot Logic 400 I thought to myself that this would be a great product for all the hunters, fishermen, and campers out there to have in their cabins or in their RV’s.
The Hot Logic 400 is a small appliance that looks like a microwave, but cooks like a slow cooker using state of the art conduction heating via Smart Shelf Technology.
Per the instructions, you simply plug it in, place a sealed container containing your favorite meal on an open red shelf. When the shelf turns blue it indicates the heat cycle has started. Once the dish has been fully heated/cooked, the light on the Smart Shelf will turn back to red, indicating the meal(s) have reached the proper temperature and will hold it there for up to 12 hours. Plus, seeing how the food is in a sealed container, it will retain its moisture and keep the heat in until you’re ready to serve it.
No timers or temperature buttons to set. Simply load it up and close the door and head out to enjoy the day knowing dinner will be waiting no matter what time you get back from your hunt, your day on the lake, or a day of hiking.
Why slave over a hot stove when you’re tired? Simply take your hot meal out of the Hot Logic 400, sit down to relax and enjoy.
I know I’ll be eating like a king this year at my Cabin. I already have the meals packed. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it away from my wife. LOL
Stay safe out on the water.
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HotLogic 400 The Ultimate Slow Cooker